
I grew up in the Upper Mississippi Delta in Memphis. My educational background is in Liberal Arts with a heavy emphasis on English, History, Art, Sociology and Science. I attended The University of Memphis, The University of Mississippi and UCLA.

As an adult, I was heavily influenced by the environmental and creative scene in Northern California. Gary Snyder, Lew Welch and Robinson Jeffers were all quite formative in my creative life.

I’m a strong believer in the Nordic socio-economic model and also influenced by the ideas of Norwegian philosopher Arne Næss and American writer Edward Abbey.

My heroes are typically women, because my life was most profoundly influenced by women. My grandmother and aunt, and intellectually by my mother. Historical figures like Sophie Scholl. I love strong women that stand up to tyranny and lead the way. The world would be a far better place if we had a lot more women leading in all of our institutions.

Spiritually, I’m a former Catholic that recognizes the Divine in nature and in the interconnectedness of all things.

This blog is a collection of my thoughts, ideas, interests and experiences. Some photos are mine. Some aren’t. It’s easy to tell which are which. The good ones aren’t mine.

Free thinker open to all possibilities.